Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Best Friend's Bachelorette Party

so my very best friend is getting married in one month and six days! i couldn't be more excited for her! over the weekend of august 1st, we celebrated her "final fling before the ring." we had an incredible time. michelle flew in from denver. maren drove over from omaha. i was (thankfully!) able to get some time away from work. and amy, alicia's adorable older sister, opened her gorgeous home for us girls to celebrate. and celebrate we did! see, amy had such an amazing night planned. the decorations were gorgeous, her awesome hubby cooked us a delicious dinner and the drinks were nothing short of amazing. here's a picture of the incredible decor:

pretty amazing, huh? the night started with some hors d'oeuvres and cocktails. the sangria was delicious. presents were opened. games were played. stories were shared and lives were all caught up. after dinner, and plenty of sangria pitchers later, we proceeded to throw our own dance party in the kitchen. yep, you heard me. we danced it out, mostly to the amazing tunes of michael jackson (may he rest in peace). when we'd had enough kitchen dancing, we piled in the back of the minivan and mark drove us to a couple bars in downtown davenport. this is where the night becomes a little shady:) luckily i have plenty of pictures to help me remember this amazing night. enjoy!