Monday, August 17, 2009

it's been a while...

apparently i suck at this whole blogging thing. as you can see, it's been over a year between my last two posts! oops!

tyson and i went to the PGA championship this past weekend. holy cow people, TIGER is even more impressive in person. he's downright beautiful. everyone that knows of my absolute LOVE for tiger woods would be happy to know that i mustered up the courage to let out a "go tiger!" as he walked by us on the 18th fareway:) apparently my inspirational shout didn't quite work, as he relinquished the lead to Y.E. Yang on the final day of the tournament. it's ok... i still love him.

only 13 more games left in the 2009 baseball season. the iowa cubs are dangerously close to making the playoffs, and while i'd love to see them do well, i'm secretly crossing my fingers that they come up JUST short. i just have too much to look forward to this offseason... and piling more games on top of the already played 72 just doesn't sound like fun. i'm ready for a little peace and quiet.

i'm heading back to iowa city on wednesday for a little family time. i haven't seen my parents since they got back from mexico and i'm craving a little mommy/daddy time. and a little time with the brothers. oh and that fiance of mine:o)

since i couldn't take my camera with me to Hazeltine National, i'll leave you with a picture of what i got to see ALL DAY on saturday. i know you're jealous.