Monday, September 14, 2009

Going to the Courthouse:)

So last week I went with one of my great friends, Katie, and her fiance Chris, to the courthouse to apply for their marriage license. They needed a "witness" and I was the lucky person they chose:) It was so fun, y'all! I'm totally that person that gets all weepy and sentimental at awkward times, but this was a HUGE step... they were going to apply for a REAL marriage license! Like, it's totally legit now. Katie even got to sign her new name... Katie Moorhead (no "E"... basically what she'll have to say for the rest of her life!) (Not that mine will be much better... Yes, like the restaurant, McDonald.) HA!

Dutifully playing my part, I snapped a few photos of them filling out the forms and even got a great one of them outside, by the Polk County sign:) I was so honored to be a part of such a special moment for them. I see Katie and Chris being great friends for quite some time. Katie and I always joke that we'll be the hot soccer moms, toting our children all over town, while our hubbies are off playing golf somewhere! Here are some of the pics from the day!