Saturday, October 30, 2010

the BEST six months of my life:)

Well, since my last post was in 2009, clearly I've been too busy to update this blog! Oops! Between Facebook and Twitter, I feel like everyone can pretty much keep tabs on me and figure out what I've been up to. But there's something so fun about a blog that keeps me coming back! Since my last post, this is what I've been up to:

- I moved back to Iowa City

- I got married!

- I went on a fabulous honeymoon with the hubby!

- I bought a house!

- Tyson and I became parents to an adorable shih tzu/yorkiepoo puppy, named Myley!

We've settled into our place in North Liberty and are very busy with Myley and Hawkeye football! Life is good! And because no blog post is really that interesting without pictures, here are some from the past six months!

Tyson and I on our wedding day (May 22nd, 2010)

Such a fun picture. My shoes were my "something blue."

One of my favorite pictures from the day!

My beautiful girls. They all looked so gorgeous!

Cheers! We did it!

Baby Myley. Too cute.

Very sleepy.

Glamour pose!